Mining Industry is a risky place for people to be at, considering numerous past incidents around the world. It can be a dangerous place to work if you are not clear about what you are doing. To be working with the mining equipment, you will need regular training and knowledge of the equipment, just like any other industry. Every mining equipment has its own set of activities. The role of equipment depends on several factors, including where the mining is done and what it is for. Drilling machines, excavators, crushing and grinding equipment, everything has an important role in the mining industry. Here we look at some important mining equipment and their roles.
Mining Drills
Mining drills are probably the most known equipment of all in the mining industry. They are an important part of all underground mining operations. They are used to drill down the rocks if the minerals are located at a lower level of the earth. These rocks and minerals need to be extracted with surface mining, where drills work as the most effective tool. Drills assist in digging holes on the surface of the mine until it reaches the required spot. If the workers need to work underground, the drills also make space for them while also creating a safe escape passage.
Blasting Tools
Blasting tools are used in the mining industry to break down and fracture rocks or other materials with the help of explosives. They are utilized for a similar purpose like drills, but they can be effective in moving out harder rocks during underground mining. Once the blasting tools have been used, an excavator is used to recover the blasted rocks and debris to make space for further mining. Blasting tools are used for both underground and surface mining operations.
Earth Movers
Earthmovers are used for above-ground mining operations. They are used to carry loose soil and rocks from one location to another. Earthmovers are an important machine in the mining industry as it is capable of moving heavy earth and mining from one place to another at a much faster rate. They are used for digging, pushing, and transporting the earth. They are operated by professionals with specialized skills who are experienced with both mining and construction sites.
Crushing Equipment
Crushing equipment is used for crushing rocks and stones. They are designed to perform crushing at a much faster rate while reducing labour efforts. Crushing equipment can perform in different types of jobs. It is mainly used for breaking down hard rocks and gravel to turn it into stone powder. They help in reducing the number of raw materials on the site, which may take longer to break down by any other method. Excavators bring the rocks to the crushers for processing.